About Us

My name is Troy Wallace and I am writing this because I am willing to try anything to stay on the court.  In my case, it is the basketball court.  My brother, who is 6 years older, took up sand volleyball when he moved to the panhandle of Florida.  So it is the volleyball court for him.   Whatever your court is, if you are like me, you are scared to death of not being able to do that activity any longer.

I will try anything.  I don’t care if it is the placebo effect or if it really works.  Anything that keeps me out on the court I am going to experiment with and try.  Wraps, compression, cryotherapy, sauna, whirlpool, strengthening, stretching, rolling and supplements.  Anything that keeps the joints in functioning order or makes me think they are I AM IN!

You will see I have been heavily influenced by the work of Dr. Andrew Huberman, Tim Ferriss, Ben Greenfield, and David A. Sinclair, Ph.D. As a result of their books and podcasts, I have been led to many other healthy lifestyle and sports enthusiasts such as Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., George Raveling, Ryan Flaherty, and many many more.

As we discuss products, exercises, routines, nutrition, etc. we will always try and look for that, as Tim Ferriss says, minimum effective dose.  We are all busy and for most people, it is just not realistic to have more than an hour to yourself to do your stretching, weight lifting, basketball playing, and recovery (sauna, whirlpool, rolling, etc.).   Something must give.

I am not saying I have the solutions.  I don’t.  I have tried and read about lots of things since starting my obsession with not growing old (at least not looking or feeling old) in my late 20s.  That is what this is.  A discussion.  Sharing things that have worked and not worked in trying to keep ourselves on the court.

Now that the blog has been up and running for 4+ years we find that we first focus on health since it is the key to being able to do everything else. Then, as my life has progressed, I see there are 3 ways to continue to stay engaged in basketball. Playing, Coaching, and Refereeing. You will see posts related to those 3 main topics when not talking about health. And then, yes, every once in a while I write something because it is happening in my life. I have a daughter starting to play volleyball and sometimes I just think something is interesting and I write about it.

I have recently completed Lee Taft’s Certified Basketball Speed Specialist course and received my certification on September 27th, 2023.