Why Do NBA Players Wear Tights Under Their Shorts?
An interesting question. Why do basketball players wear tights? I started seeing guys at my basketball gym wearing tights or compression pants about 5 or 6 years ago. One guy did it and had to explain why he was doing it (because tights are weird right?). Then another guy did it and then I started reading about it myself and took the plunge and bought my first pair. Some people might think that they’re just a fashion statement, but there are actually many reasons why some basketball players wear tights.
What Are Tights?
Compression pants or “tights” are typically worn to prevent muscle strain. They also absorb sweat and allow for more blood flow. Athletes will often wear them, too, for the combination of enhanced performance and increased comfort. They are usually made from a hybrid fabric of 90% Polyester and 10% Elastane or Spandex.
Why Are Tights Worn for Basketball?
1. Compression Tights May Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis
Thrombosis is a condition in which blood clots form in veins, typically in the lower thigh or legs. It cannot be predicted age-wise, and basketball players aren’t an exception.
A swelling or clot in one part of the body is just as painful as a clot in another. Deep vein thrombosis causes symptoms such as pain, fever, and discomfort. The clot can travel to the lungs and cause death in severe cases. Doctors may prescribe compression garments to improve blood flow and decrease swelling.
Compression tights are one way to manage blood flow and swelling. Players suffering from this issue can benefit from wearing compression tights.
This research study on PubMed had the following conclusion:
There is high-certainty evidence that airline passengers similar to those in this review can expect a substantial reduction in the incidence of symptomless DVT and low-certainty evidence that leg oedema is reduced if they wear compression stockings. The certainty of the evidence was limited by the way that oedema was measured. There is moderate-certainty evidence that superficial vein thrombosis may be reduced if passengers wear compression stockings. We cannot assess the effect of wearing stockings on death, pulmonary embolism or symptomatic DVT because no such events occurred in these trials. Randomised trials to assess these outcomes would need to include a very large number of people.
Compression stockings for preventing deep vein thrombosis in airline passengers
2. Compression Tights May Prevent Muscle Tightening
The effects of stretching and warm-up can start to dissipate from a basketball player if they sit on the bench or are otherwise not moving. They need to focus on keeping their muscles loose and prepared for the next time they go in the game. An effective way to do this is with light stretches before the game and a warming up before or during the game.
Compression tights can keep muscles warm and blood flowing, so wearing a pair may help you experience less muscle tightness and retain the benefits of pre-game stretching and warm-up.
This research study on PubMed had the following conclusion:
Based on our results we recommend athletes wear compression tights for faster recovery, particularly after intense exercise with a pronounced eccentric aspect.
Effects of Compression Tights on Recovery Parameters after Exercise Induced Muscle Damage: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Study
3. Compression Tights May Prevent Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS):
Basketball players train extensively and often experience muscle soreness over the course of a game. Doctors are not sure what causes this and have not been able to pinpoint a reason. However, wearing compression tights seems to alleviate some symptoms.
This research study on PubMed had the following conclusion:
In conclusion, wearing compression garments during the postexercise period can be an effective way to reduce DOMS and accelerate the recovery of muscle function.
Effect of compression garments on delayed-onset muscle soreness and blood inflammatory markers after eccentric exercise: a randomized controlled trial
Under physical strain, muscles experience micro-tears, which can hinder and prevent players from reaching peak performance. Soreness is common among athletes and can even cause players to sit out. Using compression tights during training sessions can reduce muscle symptoms like soreness, cramping, and swelling.
4. Compression Tights May Prevent Injuries
Compression tights can also be helpful to contact sports athletes. We discuss whether basketball should be considered a contact sport here. Some compression pants are padded and can provide good preventative care and can even be used to lessen the pain and soreness of heavy contact on the basketball court. Hardwood basketball courts can be brutal on knees, hips, and elbows and compression wear with padding can give you a little extra protection if you are diving for the ball.
This research study on PubMed had the following conclusion:
The results of this study show that wearing compression garments does have minimal effects on lower body mechanics during landing from a DVJ, partially supporting the idea that compression garments could acutely alter movement patterns associated with the knee injury risk. However, further research should focus on muscle activation patterns and adaptations over time.
5. Compression Tights Keep The Body Warm
When you play any game involving a lot of running and jumping, you sweat more. Your body cools itself down by sweating, which can cause tight muscles. Tighter muscles can make it more difficult to play basketball at your best and could cause injury.
Compression tights can keep the body warm, prevent muscles from becoming cold and tightened.
6. Compression Tights Are Your Last Defensive Against “Depantsing”
Compression tights are a lifesaver for sports players who don’t want to worry about their clothes falling down. Whether by their own movement or by a prankster on the team looking for a “depantsing” opportunity.
Basketball uniforms can be very baggy, and players may feel insecure or self-conscious. But wearing compression tights will allow them to focus on the game rather than the jokester on the team. No Pub Med study here:).
How Compression Tights Work?
This video goes in-depth on how compression tights work. e spoke with an expert on body movement, Dr. Reed Ferber, director of the Running Injury Clinic and an expert on body movement, tells us what these articles of clothing are supposed to do.
Definitely watch the whole video and do your own additional research, but here is a summary quote from Dr. Ferber:
So the psychological benefits are there. People feel better wearing compression clothing. But the science doesn’t support the fact that there’s a physiological effect.
Dr. Reed Ferber
It is not completely clear why some people get sore after a workout and others don’t. Athletes often take ibuprofen and massage to ease the pain. Lack of Vitamin D or sleep could also contribute.
If you’re looking for a great alternative to athletic supporters, compression shorts might be a good choice. These shorts are designed to reduce the risk of thigh chafing and muscle fatigue, which can happen during basketball games. They may also make running or other sports more comfortable. Give them a try and If they’re comfortable and supportive, they may give you a little edge.
So why do basketball players wear tights? Whether playing sports, working out, or recovering from an injury, compression products may help athletes and active people reduce the risk of injury, increase performance, and aid in muscle recovery.

Troy Wright
I am a lifetime basketball enthusiast and loved playing basketball competitively through high school. I still try and play at least 3 times a week and explore all kinds of equipment and training to keep myself on the court and continually getting better. I am a college basketball fanatic and move onto the NBA when March Madness ends.
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